Anxiety and Panic Disorder

Toxic Relationships

The Silent Impact: How Toxic Relationships Trigger Anxiety and How Equine Therapy Can Help

Introduction Toxic relationships can quietly erode a person’s mental health, leaving scars that are often invisible to the outside world. These relationships are marked by manipulation, control, and emotional abuse, creating an environment where anxiety thrives. The aftermath of such relationships can be devastating, leading to long-term psychological issues, including chronic anxiety. Understanding the deep […]

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ADHD back-to-school-blues

Back to School Blues: Managing ADHD, Anxiety, and Family Stress as the New School Year Begins

As the summer days wane and the new school year looms on the horizon, many families begin to feel the stirrings of anxiety and stress. For some, this period marks the return of familiar routines, the excitement of new learning experiences, and the reunion with friends. However, for others, particularly those dealing with ADHD, anxiety,

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Anxiety Disorder

How Equine Facilitated Therapy Eases Summer Anxiety Disorders

Introduction Summer, with its long days and relaxed atmosphere, is often anticipated as a time of joy and freedom. However, for many individuals, the shift in routine, heightened social expectations, and even the change in climate can exacerbate anxiety disorders. This is where Healing Hooves Therapy, a Las Vegas-based company specializing in Equine Facilitated Therapy

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Real Happiness

Real Happiness Starts In A Stable

Introduction When was the last time you felt truly at peace? For many, tranquility seems like a distant dream, buried under the weight of modern life’s chaos. But what if I told you that real happiness starts in a stable? At Healing Hooves Therapy, this isn’t just a catchy phrase; it’s a life-changing reality. Nestled

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Horses Heal: Unveiling the Benefits of Equine Facilitated Therapy

Las Vegas, the city of dazzling lights and electrifying entertainment, also offers a path to healing that transcends the glitz and glamor. Here, amidst the desert landscape, lies a powerful therapy method: Equine Facilitated Therapy (EFT) with Healing Hooves Therapy. Often mistaken for simply therapeutic horseback riding, Equine Facilitated Therapy ventures far deeper, fostering a

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Anxiety and Panic Disorders

Anxiety and Panic Disorders: How Equine Facilitated Therapy can help.

Anxiety, a constant companion for many, manifests as unease, worry, or nervousness in response to perceived threats or stressful situations. While a normal dose of anxiety can motivate us to take action, excessive or persistent anxiety disrupts daily life. This is where anxiety disorders enter the picture, a cluster of mental health conditions characterized by

Anxiety and Panic Disorders: How Equine Facilitated Therapy can help. Read More »